The Blvd Summer Kick-Off -Sunday June 23rd!

Come out to the West End of The Boulevard to kick-off summer! Invite friends and neighbors for a nice day out with the community.
Schedule of Events
1. “Liber8Fit Underground”: 8AM free yin yoga class (bring a mat if you have one), 10AM free high intensity circuit workout (open gym + 25 min. instructed workout), $5 offer: 2 week trial cards (originally $20)
2. “Lafayette Hotel”: 12-5PM “Summer Solstice” Pool Party: $30 per ticket (includes 1 signature drink), Live music by “The Stephen El Rey Sextet”
3. “Twisted Taps”: 10AM Grand reveal of location’s name change, Food/drink specials: $4 pints, chelada flights, tacos
4. “Flavors of East Africa”: 12-2PM Free small sampler, Safari photo booth
5. “The Evelyn”: 12-2PM Opening exhibition of public art installation, Food from Gaucho Grilling: Street Style Brazilian BBQ