Bike Accommodation Study
The Mid-City Community Parking District has contracted with a transportation planner to create a Bicycle Accommodation Plan for El Cajon Boulevard and 30th Street. Each street has a unique set of characteristics that require special consideration, so rather than designing a comprehensive plan, we are seeking two separate design templates (one for each “hub”) that can be replicated in sections of each street.
General Design Guidelines:
Designs should not rely on parking removal.
- Implementation should cause minimal negative impact for business owners and residents.
- Bike paths should connect to similar routes in surrounding communities and encourage travel between communities as well.
- Designs may be altered due to public feedback or funding restrictions.
El Cajon Boulevard is primarily a wide car-oriented thoroughfare, which currently lacks the appropriate infrastructure to safely accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians. With an interest in improving the safety of El Cajon Boulevard and drawing more customers into the business district, an effort was made by the El Cajon Boulevard BIA to capture the opinions of business owners related to bicycle infrastructure. As a next step, the Mid-City Community Parking District committee agreed to support an Accommodation Study to help understand where and how a bicycle facility can be implemented on El Cajon Boulevard.
- Develop a plan for selected areas of El Cajon Boulevard between 30th Street and Highland Avenue, with special focus on:
- Appropriate bikeway types
- Coordination with Rapid Bus & Stations
- Major intersections and freeways
- Transition from 4 to 6 lanes
- Commercial Loading
- Impacts on Parking
- Coordination with pedestrian mobility
- Coordination with existing and developing plans
- Traffic calming measures
Project Updates:
- A set of alternatives have been developed for 30th Street and El Cajon Boulevard. They include a variety of possible lane configurations and improvements to facilitate safer bicycle travel.
- An intercept survey was conducted at various locations on 30th Street and El Cajon Boulevard to gain a better understanding on travel patterns and attitudes on possible infrastructure changes. The same survey is being conducted inside local businesses.
- A set of focus groups comprised of business owners along the corridor have been conducted.
- Community outreach efforts will continue in order to develop a plan with broad support.